

清水 明 著

English version

Modern Principles of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
 - Ensemble formulation and thermal pure quantum formulation

by Akira SHIMIZU (to be published after the Japanese version is published)


Book description

The principles of equilibrium statistical mechanics are presented on the basis of recent advances in research on its foundations. Instead of traditional but misleading arguments, this book is based on the typicality, i.e., the fact that almost all microstate is an equilibrium state. This leads to many possible formulations of statistical mechanics, including the traditional ensemble formulation and the new formulation called the thermal pure quantum formulation. This book presents these two formulations, and clarify their relations, advantages and disadvantages in practical applications. The first nine chapters can be used as a textbook for undergraduate students. Although the latter chapters are for graduate students and researchers, they are written in such a way that motivated undergraduate students can also understand them.

なお、東京大学教養学部理科1,2年生向け講義「統計力学」の内容は、教科書にすべく原稿を書いていましたが、上記の内容の方が本質的で清水らしいので、とりあえずは出版計画を白紙に戻しました。ただ、この原稿もそれなりに好評だったので、 とりあえず、書きかけのバージョンの公開は続けます。将来的に出版するかどうかは未定ですが、質問やコメントを歓迎致します。

長い間公開してきた「易しいバージョン」は,好評ではあったものの,清水としては気に入らない点がいろいろとあるので,公開を止めることにしました. 現在は,1,2年生向け講義でも,執筆中の新原稿の内容をできるだけ反映するように進めています.