(Partly in Japanese)
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139. 清水明, 統計力学の基礎 I (東京大学出版会, 2024年9月)
138. Mamiko Tatsuta, Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Hiroki Kuji, Akira Shimizu, Generation of a metrologically useful cat state through repetitive measurements. arXiv:2407.06829.
137. 清水明, [新訂] 物理の世界 (岸根順一郎さんと共著,放送大学教育振興会,2024年3月)第8章から第15章(熱力学と量子論と展望)
136. Yuuya Chiba and Akira Shimizu, Key Observable for Linear Thermalization. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033037 (2023) ; arXiv:2303.03868.
135. 清水明, 量子力学の基礎, 光と物質の量子相互作用ハンドブック (荒川泰彦編, エヌ・ティー・エス, 2023年2月)第1編 第1章 3-20.
134. Yasushi Yoneta and Akira Shimizu, Novel statistical ensembles for phase coexistence states specified by noncommutative additive observables. J. Stat. Mech. (2023) 053106 (selected as a Highlight) ; arXiv:2111.10532.
133. Kentaro Kubo, Kenichi Asano and Akira Shimizu, Robustness of equilibrium off-diagonal current fluctuation against localization of electron states in macroscopic two-dimensional systems. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 024004 (2022) (selected as Editors' Choice) ; arXiv:2109.07414.
132. 清水明, 熱力学の基礎 第2版 II (東京大学出版会, 2021年8月)
131. 清水明, 熱力学の基礎 第2版 I (東京大学出版会, 2021年3月)
130. Atsushi Iwaki, Akira Shimizu, Chisa Hotta, Thermal pure quantum matrix product states recovering a volume law entanglement. Phys. Rev. Res. 3, L022015 (2021) ; arXiv:2005.06829.108. S. Sugiura and A. Shimizu, Thermal Pure Quantum States at Finite Temperature. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 240401. (selected as Editors' suggestion) .arXiv:1112.0740.
107. F. Lee, T. Yuge, A. Shimizu, Nonequilibrium
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interacting Many Electrons Scattered
by Lattice Vibrations. J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81 (2012) 064710.
106. A. Shimizu and T. Yuge, Sum
Rules and Asymptotic Behaviors for Optical Conductivity of
Nonequilibrium Many-Electron Systems, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 093706. arXiv:/1101.1585.
104. A. Shimizu and T. Yuge, General properties of response functions of nonequilibrium steady states, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 013002. arXiv:0908.3441.
103. T. Yuge and A. Shimizu, Indications of Universal Excess Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 78 (2009) 083001. arXiv:0808.0993.
102. T. Yuge and A. Shimizu, Long-time tail in an electric conduction system, Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement No. 178 (2009) [The 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition - Recent Progress on Computational Statistical Physics -], pp. 64-71. arXiv:0807.4979
101. A. Shimizu, Generalized Phase Rules, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 104001. arXiv:0804.4099.
100. T. Morimae and A.Shimizu,
Visualization of superposition of macroscopically distinct states by
probability density of
macroscopic observables, QUANTUM
THEORY: Reconsideration of Foundations - 4, edited by Adenier, et al.
(AIP Conference Proceedings 962, 2007, AIP) p. 290.
99. N. Kokubun and A. Shimizu, Protected
Rabi oscillation induced by natural interactions among physical qubits,
Phys. Rev. A 78 (2008) 012302.
98. T. Yuge and A. Shimizu, Long-time behavior of velocity autocorrelation function for interacting particles in a two-dimensional disordered system, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76 (2007) 093001. arXiv:0707.2689.
97. 清水明, 熱力学の基礎 (東京大学出版会, 2007)
96. T. Morimae and A. Shimizu, Visualization of superposition of
macroscopically distinct states, Phys. Rev. A 74 (2006) 052111.
95. A. Ukena and A. Shimizu, Macroscopic
Entanglement in
Quantum Computation, quant-ph/0505057.
94. A. Shimizu and T. Morimae, Detection of Macroscopic Entanglement by Correlation of Local Observables, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 090401. (erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 219903). quant-ph/0504086.
93. T. Yuge, N. Ito and A. Shimizu, Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Electric Conduction, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) 1895. (selected as a Paper of Editors'Choice
92. K. Koshino and A. Shimizu, Quantum Zeno Effect by General Measurements, Physics Reports 412 (2005) 191-275 (invited review paper). quant-ph/0411145.
91. T. Morimae, A. Sugita and A. Shimizu, Macroscopic entanglement of many-magnon states, Phys. Rev. A 71 (2005) 032317. quant-ph/0405173. (一高賞受賞論文)
90. 清水明, 新版 量子論の基礎〜その本質のやさしい理解のために, (サイエンス社 新物理学ライブラリー, 2004)
89. A. Sugita and A. Shimizu, Correlations of observables in chaotic states of macroscopic quantum systems, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) 1883. quant-ph/0309217.
88. K. Koshino and A. Shimizu, Quantum Zeno Effect for Exponentially Decaying Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 030401-1-030401-4. quant-ph/0307075.
87. A. Ukena and A. Shimizu, Appearance and Stability of Anomalously-Fluctuating States in Shor's Factoring Algorithm , Phys. Rev. A69 (2004) 022301-1-022301-15. quant-ph/0308005.
86. A. Shimizu, T. Miyadera, and A. Ukena, Anomalous quantum states in finite macroscopic systems, International Journal of the Quantum Information, 1 (2003) 561. quant-ph/0311176
85. K. Koshino and A. Shimizu, Decay of an excited atom under imperfect photon counting measurement, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 72 (2003) Suppl. C pp.77-80.
84. 清水明,量子論の基礎〜その本質のや さしい理解のために, (サイエンス社 臨時別冊・数理科学 SGSライブラリ, 2003)
83. K. Koshino and A. Shimizu, Quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects by indirect measurement with finite errors, Phys. Rev. A 67 (2003) 042101-1-042101-4 . quant-ph/0210036.
82. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Stability of quantum states of finite macroscopic systems against classical noises, perturbations from environments, and local measurements, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 270403. quant-ph/0203106
81. A. Shimizu, T. Miyadera, and A. Ukena, Stability of quantum states of finite macroscopic systems, Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Physics (Edited by L. Accardi and S. Tasaki, World Scientific, 2003) pp. 68-79, quant-ph/0202096
80. 浮穴学尚、清水明, Shorのアルゴリズムに現れる異常な量子状態とその安定性, 第6回量子情報技術研究会資料(電子情報通信学会, 2002) 211-214.
79. A. Shimizu, T. Miyadera, and A. Ukena, Decoherence of anomalously-fluctuating states of finite macroscopic systems, Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, ISQM-Tokyo 2001 (Eds. Y. A. Ono and K. Fujikawa, World Scientific, 2002) pp.279-282 quant-ph/0109082
78. T. Miyadera and A. Shimizu, Fragility of Thermodynamically-Abnormal Ground States of Finite Systems, quant-ph/0109065
77. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Energies and collapse times of symmetric and symmetry-breaking states of finite systems with a U(1) symmetry, Phys. Rev. E64 (2001) 056121. cond-mat/0104284
76. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Charge superselection rule does not rule out pure states of open systems to be coherent superpositions of states with different charges, cond-mat/0102429
75. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Cluster Property and Robustness of Ground States of Interacting Many Bosons, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71 (2002) 56. cond-mat/0009258
74. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Robustness of wavefunctions of interacting many-bosons in a leaky box, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 688-691. (erratum 86 (2001)4422). quant-ph/0002052
73. J. Inoue and A. Shimizu, Enhanced power-law singularity by light field in quantum wires, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15, 3805-3808 (2001).
72. A. Shimizu, A Fundamental Limit of Measurement Imposed by the Elementary Interactions, Statistical Physics (eds. M. Tokuyama and H. E. Stanley, American Institute of Physics, 2000), 611-620. quant-ph/9911102
71. A. Shimizu and H. Kato, Nonequilibrium Mesoscopic Conductors Driven by Reservoirs, Low-Dimensional Systems --- interactions and Transport Properties [ed. T. Brandes, Springer, Lecture Notes in Physics, 54 (2000) pp.3-22. cond-mat/9911333
70. T. Brandes, M. Shigemori, A. Shimizu, and J. Inoue, New superconducting phase in a two-component fermion system, Physics B, 284-288 (2000) 443-444.
69. J. Inoue, T. Brandes and A. Shimizu, Renormalized Bosonic Interaction of Excitons, Phys. Rev. B61 (2000) 2863-2873.cond-mat/9905085.
68. Yasuhiro Higashiyama and Akira Shimizu, Statistical Theory of Energy Transfer to Small and Chaotic Quantum Systems Induced by a Slowly-Varying External Field, chao-dyn/9903007
67. Akira Shimizu and Jun-ichi Inoue, Time evolution of condensed state of interacting bosons with reduced number flctuation in a leaky box, Phys. Rev. A60 (1999) 3204-3219. quant-ph/9811029.
66. Akira Shimizu, Jun-ichi Inoue and Takayuki Miyadera, Nonequilibrium Time Evolution of the Condensed State of a Fixed Number of Interacting Bosons, Quantum Coherence and Decoherence -- Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Tokyo 1998 [ed. K. Fujikawa and Y.A. Ono, North-Holland, 1999] 135.
65. M. Shigemori, A. Shimizu, T. Brandes, and J. Inoue, Strong enhancement of superconducting correlation in a two-component fermiongas, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, 2194-2197 (1999). cond-mat/9902079.
64. J. Inoue and A. Shimizu, Pump Built-in Hamiltonian Method for Pump-Probe Spectroscopy , J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68 (1999) 2534-2537. cond-mat/9905109.
63. T. Brandes, J. Inoue, and A. Shimizu, Dicke Superradiance in a magnetoplasma, Physica B 272 (1999) 341. cond-mat/9908448.
62. 清水 明, 非平衡統計物理学の舞台としてのメゾスコピック系, 物性研究 71 (1999) 716-725.
61. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Interacting One-Dimensional Electrons Driven by Two-Dimensional Reservoir Electrons, Physica B 249-251 (1998) 518-522 (Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems). cond-mat/9804123.
60. A. Shimizu and J. Inoue, Condensation of interacting bosons with reduced number fluctuation, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67 (1998) 2988-2991.
59. T. Brandes, J. Inoue, and A. Shimizu, Oscillatory behavior of a superradiating system coupled to electron reservoirs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 3952. cond-mat/9803133.
58. T. Brandes, J. Inoue, and A. Shimizu, Dicke-superradiance in electronic systems coupled to reservoirs, Proc. 24th Int. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors 1998 (World Scientific, 1998)
57. H. Fujisaki and A. Shimizu, Quantum Langevin equations for semiconductor light-emitting devices and the photon statistics at a low-injection level, Phys. Rev. A57 (1998) 3074-3083.
56. J. Inoue, T. Brandes and A. Shimizu, Effective Hamiltonian for Excitons with Spin Degrees of Freedom, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67 (1998) 3384. cond-mat/9809026.
55. A. Shimizu, Theory of Electron-Photon Interaction, T. Ando et al. eds., ``Mesoscopic Physics and Electronics", Springer (1998) 140-155. cond-mat/9804185.
54. A. Shimizu, T. Okushima and K. Koshino, Quantum optics in dispersive and absorptive media, Materials Science and Engineering B48 (1997) 66-70. quant-ph/9804028.
53. H. Fujisaki and A. Shimizu, Quantum noise of semiconductor light-emitting devices at a low-injection level, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66 (1997) 34.
52. A. Shimizu, Landauer Conductance and Nonequilibrium Noise of One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65 (1996) 1162. (See also errata, ibid, 3096.) cond-mat/9804124.
51. K. Koshino and A. Shimizu, Spntaneous Emission in an Absorptive and Inhomogeneous Cavity, Phys, Rev. A53 (1996) 4468.
50. T. Okushima and A. Shimizu, Photon emission from a false vacuum of semiconductors, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34 (1995) 4508-4510.
49. T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, Y. Kuramoto, H. Sakaki, Correlated Electron Transport through a Real-Life Quantum Dot, Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995) 1931.
48. T. Ogawa and A. Shimizu, Dimensional Crossover of Excitons, Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995).
47. A. Shimizu, Quantum Measurement and Fluctuations in Nanostructures, ``Nanostructures and Quantum Effects'' (eds. H. Sakaki and H. Noge), Springer Series in Material Science Vol. 31, (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994) 35-47. quant-ph/9804027.
46. A. Shimizu and M. Yamanishi, Photon-energy dissipation caused by an external electric circuit in ``virtual'' photo-excitation processes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 (1994) 3343-3346. quant-ph/9804029.
45. H. Akiyama, S. Koshiba, T. Someya, K. Wada, H. Noge, Y. Nakamura, T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, Thermalization Effect on Radiative Decay of Excitons in Quantum Wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 (1994) 924-927.
45. S. Koshiba, H. Noge, H. Akiyama, T. Inoshita, Y. Nakamura, A. Shimizu, Y. Nagamune, M. Tsuchiya, H. Kano, H. Sakaki, and K. Wada Formation of gaas ridge quantum-wire structures by molecular-beam epitaxy on patterned substrates, App. Phys. Lett. 64 (1994) 363-365.
44. 野毛 宏, 清水 明, 榊 裕之, 電子波干渉デバイスの可能性と課題, ``メゾスコピック現象の基礎''(難波 進 編、オーム社, 1994) 263-271.
43. 森本 孝、清水 明、 光 と電子のコヒーレンス、 電気情報通信学会誌 77 (1994) 980-981.
42. T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, Y. Kuramoto, H. Sakaki, Correlated Electron Transport through a Quantum Dot: The Multi-Level Effect, Phys. Rev. B48 (1993) 14725-14728.
41. A. Shimizu and K. Fujita, First-Kind Measurements, Non-Demolition Measurements, and Conservation Laws, Quantum Control and Measurement [H. Ezawa and Y. Murayama, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993] 191-196. quant-ph/9804026.
40. K. Fujii and A. Shimizu, Possible configurations for all-optical ultrafast photonic switching, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 (1993) 4992-4997.
39. M. Ueda and A. Shimizu, Nonequilibrium Current Noise Spectrum in a Dissipative Conductor, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 62, 2994-2998 (1993).
38. A. Shimizu, M. Ueda and H. Sakaki, Effects of Dephasing and Dissipation on Nonequilibrium Quantum Noise, Jpn. J. App. Phys. Series 9, pp.189-192 (1993).
37. T. Ogawa and A. Shimizu, Dimensional Crossover of Excitons in One- and Two-Photon Absorption Processes, Phys. Rev. B48, 4910-4913 (1993).
36. 清水 明, サブポアソ ン状態 --- ``量子場工学"入門, 応用物理 62 No.9, 881-888 (1993) (invited review paper).
35. M. Okuda, K. Fujii, and A. Shimizu, Realistic Structures for Electron Interferometers Constituted by the Control of the Wavefunctions in Double Quantum-Wire Structures, J. Appl. Phys. 74, 708-711 (1993).
34. M. Okuda, S. Miyazawa, K. Fujii, and A. Shimizu, Quantum Interference of Electrons in a Field-Controlled Double-Quantum-Wire Interferometer, Phys. Rev. B47, 4103-4106 (1993).
33. 清水 明, 量子効果と 光スイッチング, ``超高速光スイッチング技術" (神谷 武志・荒川 泰彦 編)第2章 (培風館, 1993)11-32.
32. 平野 琢也・清水 明, ス クイーズド光, ``極限光技術"(森村正直・大津元一・榊裕之・宅間宏・神谷武志 編)第1.3節 (オプトロニクス社, 1993) 27-34.
31. A. Shimizu and M. Ueda, Effects of Dephasing and Dissipation on Quantum Noise in Conductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1403-1406 (1992).
30. A. Shimizu, M. Kuwata-Gonokami and H. Sakaki, Enhanced Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity using Inter- and Intra-Band Transitions in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 399-401 (1992).
29. R. Cingolani, M. Lepore, R. Tommasi, I.M. Catalano, H. Lage, D. Heitmann, K. Ploog, A. Shimizu, H. Sakaki, and T. Ogawa, Two-Photon Absorption in GaAs Quantum Wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1276-1279 (1992).
28. A. Shimizu, T. Ogawa and H. Sakaki, Two-Photon Absorption Spectra of Quasi-Low-Dimensional Exciton Systems, Phys. Rev. B45, 11338-11341 (1992).
27. A. Shimizu, T. Ogawa, and H. Sakaki, Two-Photon Absorption Spectra of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Surface Science 263, 512-517 (1992).
26. M. Tsuchiya, H. Sugawara, T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, Electron Concentration and Mobility in Selectively Doped Quantum Wires, Surface Science 267, 296 (1992).
25. A. Shimizu and H. Sakaki, The Number-Phase Uncertainty Principle and Fundamental Limits of Quantum Interference Devices, Superlattices and Microstructures 11, 337 (1992).
24. S. Ikeda and A. Shimizu, Theoretical Analysis of Dynamic Response of Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Lasers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1016-1018 (1992).
23. H. Noge, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, On the Possibilities and Problems of Semiconductor Quantum Microstructures, Nanotechnology 3, 180-184 (1992)
22. K. Nakamura, A. Shimizu, K. Fujii, M. Koshiba, and K. Hayata, Numerical Analysis of the Absorption and the Refractive Index in Arbitrary Quantum-Well Structures, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-28, 1670 (1992).
21. A. Shimizu and H. Sakaki, Quantum Noises in Mesoscopic Conductors and Fundamental Limits of Quantum Interference Devices, Phys. Rev. B44, 13136-13139 (1991).
20. A. Shimizu, Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of a Photon Number using Electron Interferometers of Semiconductor Microstructures, Phys. Rev. A43, 3819-3822 (1991).
19. A. Shimizu and S. Ikeda, Theory of Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Lasers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 765-767 (1991).
18. S. Ikeda and A. Shimizu, Evidence of the Wavelength Switching Caused by a Blocked Carrier Transport in an Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Laser, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 504-506 (1991).
17. A. Shimizu and K. Fujii, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems, Nonlinear Optics 1, 149-163 (1991), .
16. 清水 明, 藤井 和人, 量子井戸励起子の2光子遷移に伴う光非線形, 応用物理 60, 128-135 (1991). (invited review paper)
15. K. Fujii, A. Shimizu, J. Bergquist, S. Ikeda and T. Sawada, Two-Photon Absorption Spectra of Quantum-Well Excitons in Static Electric Fields, Modern Physics Letters B5, 1133 (1991). (invited review paper)
14. 清水 明, 低次元励起 子系の2光子吸収スペクトル, ``新・有機非線形光学材料(材料編)" (中西 八郎・小林 孝嘉 編)第6.1節 (シーエムシー出版, 1991)271-277.
13. K. Nakamura, A. Shimizu, M. Koshiba, and K. Hayata, Finite-Element Calculation of the Transmission Probability and the Resonant-Tunneling Lifetime Through Arbitrary Potential Barriers, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE - 27, 1189 (1991).
12. K. Fujii, A. Shimizu, J. Bergquist, and T. Sawada, Electric-Field-Induced Changes in the Two-Photon Absorption Spectrum of Multiple-Quantum-Well Structures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1808-1811 (1990).
11. A. Shimizu, K. Fujii, M. Okuda, and M. Yamanishi, Absorption-Free Modulation of Electron-Interference Currents using Intersubband Virtual Transitions, Phys. Rev. B42, 9248-9251 (1990).
10. M. Okuda, K. Fujii, and A. Shimizu, Novel Electron Interferometers using Field-Induced Decoupling in Double Quantum Well Structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2231-2233 (1990).
9. A. Shimizu, Two-Photon Absorption in Quantum-Well Structures near Half the Direct Band Gap, Phys. Rev. B40, 1403-1406 (1989).
8. S. Ikeda, A. Shimizu, Y. Sekiguchi, M. Hasegawa, K. Kaneko, and T. Hara, Wide-Range Wavelength Tuning of an Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Laser with Inhomogeneous Current Injection, Appl. Phys. Lett., 55, 2057-2059 (1989).
7. S. Ikeda, A. Shimizu, T. Hara, Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Laser -- Wavelength Switching Controlled by Injection Current, Appl. Phys. Lett., 55, 1155-1157 (1989).
6. A. Shimizu, Optical Nonlinearity Induced by Giant Dipole Moment of Wannier Excitons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 613-616 (1988).
5. A. Shimizu, Excitonic Optical Nonlinearity of Quantum-Well Structures in a Static Electric Field, Phys. Rev. B37, 8527-8529 (1988).
4. A. Shimizu and T. Hara, A Self-Consistent Analysis of DH Lasers Over the Gain-Guiding and Index-Guiding Regions, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-23, 293-302 (1987).
3. A. Shimizu, H. Aoki and H. Kamimura, Decimation Study of the Interplay of Strong Electron-Electron Interactions and Disorder, J. Phys. C19, 725-738 (1986).
2. A. Shimizu and H. Kamimura, Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds, S. Tanuma and H. Kamimura eds., ``Graphite Intercalation Compounds", World Scientific (1985).
1. A. Shimizu and H. Kamimura, Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds, Synthetic Metals 5, 301-313 (1983).
.... and several other papers as a coauthor.
J26. 清水 明,<駒場をあとに> 迷いと理想と, 教養学部報 No.632(2021年12月号)
J25. 清水 明,先進科学研究機構, 教養学部報 No.612(2019年10月号)
J24. 清水 明, 杉浦, 量 子純粋状態による統計力学の定式化, 数理科学 No.600(6月号) (2013) 50-55.
J23. 清水 明, 教科書理解なら出席不要, 日本経済新聞 2013/5/13朝刊 p.22.
J22. 清水 明, 学部の講義についての疑問・要望への返事, 大学の物理教育 Vol.19 No.1 (2013) 4-6
J21. 清水明, 野蛮人が物理学者になるの記, 物理の道しるべ〜研究者の道とは何か 〜(数理科学編集部編, サイエンス社, 2011) 130-141.
J20. 清水 明, 物 理の道しるべ, 数理科学 No.555(9月号) (2009) 71-77 . PDF file
J19. 清水明, 東大教師が新入生にすすめる本2 (文藝春秋編、共著、2009)の1項
J18. 清水明, アインシュタ
インの物理学との出会い, 科学 75 (2005) No.3,
J17. 清水明,
別冊・数理科学``量子の新世紀'' (2006) pp.82-89.
J16. 清水 明, EPRパラドックスからベルの不等式へ, ``アインシュタインと21世紀の物理学"(日本物理学会編, 日本評論社 2005) pp. 135-158. [2004年度科学セミナ−テキストを一部手直しして刊行したものです]
J15. 清水 明, EPRパラドックスからベルの不等式へ, 日本物理学会2004年度科学セミナ−『アインシュタインと21世紀の物理学−2005世界物理年へ向けて−』テキスト. PDF file
J14. 清水 明, 量 子測定の原理とその問題点, 数理科学 No.7 (2002) . PDF file
J13. 清水明, 環境による
干渉の破壊, 別冊・数理科学``量子力学の発展'' (2001)
pp.196-202. [数理科学(1993)の記事を手直ししたものです]
J12. 清水 明, 何を学ぶか(物理学分野)、蛍雪時代4月
臨時増刊 全国大学
学部・学科案内号(2003年から毎年) .
J11. 清水 明・加藤 弘詔, 開いたメゾスコピック系の非平衡統計力学 --- 久保公式・ランダウアー公式が突き当たった問題点, 数理科学(2000)
J10. 清水 明, 測定の古 典論と量子論, 科学 67 (1997) No.3, 186-193.
J7. 奥島 輝昭・清水 明, カ シミール効果と動的カシミール効果, パリティ 11 No.5 (1996).
J6. 越野 和樹、清水 明、 量 子ゼノン効果をめぐって --- 測定理論の視点、 パリティ 9 No.7 (1994) 57-61.
J5. 清水 明, 非平衡系の 量子揺らぎ, 固体物理 28 No.11 (1993) 771-782.
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J8. 菊池 誠・清水 明・餌取 章男, 新しい扉を開く量子力学の世界, ``量子の時代"(菊池 誠 編,三田出版会,1996) 7-76.
J4. 清水 明, 環境による 干渉の破壊, 数理科学 No.11 (1993) 34-38.
J3. 清水 明, アインシュ タインの夢は生きている, 科学朝日 1992年9月号 pp.34-38 (1992)
J2. 清水 明, 量子効果と 光スイッチング, ``超高速光スイッチング技術調査専門委員会報告書" (荒川 泰彦 編)第2章 (光産業技術振興協会, 1991)
J1. 清水 明, 藤井 和人, 閉じ込められた電子系の非線形光学応答の物理, 固体物理 24, 846 (1989).
C61. Yuuya Chiba, Akira Shimizu, A single key observable determines linear thermalization of all additive observables, 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics (Statphys28). (Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 August 2023)).
C60. Yasushi Yoneta, Akira Shimizu, Statistical ensembles for phase coexistence states specified by noncommutative additive observables, 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics (Statphys28). (Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 August 2023)).
C59. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Yuuya Chiba, A key observable that guarantees linear thermalization of all macroscopic observables, International Conference on Statistical Physics (SigmaPhi 2023). (Chania, Crete, Greek, 10-14 July 2023)).
C58. Yuuya Chiba, Akira Shimizu, Timescale of linear thermalization, International Conference on Statistical Physics (SigmaPhi 2023). (Chania, Crete, Greek, 10-14 July 2023)).
C57. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Yuuya Chiba, Yasushi Yoneta, Kenichi Asano, Consistency between Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15). (South Korea, 21-26 August, 2022).
C56. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Mamiko Tstsua and Kyota Fujikura, How do measurements transform thermal equilibrium states?, The 4th East Asia Joint Seminars on Statistical Physics (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 17-20 October, 2017).
C55. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Mamiko Tstsua and Kyota Fujikura, Macroscopic quantum phenomena induced by squeezing thermal equilibrium states, 15th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (Jeju, Korea, 28 August - 1 September 2017).
C54. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and Hideaki Hakosima, Entanglement Entropy of Nonequilibrium Steady States, International Conference on Statistical Physics 2017 (SigmaPhsi2017) (Corfu, Greece. July 10-14, 2017).
C53. Hideaki Hakosima and Akira Shimizu, Quasi volume law of entanglement entropy in nonequilibrium steady states, International Conference on Statistical Physics 2017 (SigmaPhsi2017) (Corfu, Greece. July 10-14, 2017).
C52. Mamiko Tatsuta and Akira Shimizu, Thermal equilibrium states into superpositions of macroscopically distinct states, International Conference on Statistical Physics 2017 (SigmaPhsi2017) (Corfu, Greece. July 10-14, 2017).
C51. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and Kyota Fujikura, Quantum Violation of Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem, 26th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS26) (Lyon, France. July 17-22, 2016).
C50. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Naoki Hasegawa and Tatsuro Yuge, Liquid is more rigid than solid in a high-frequency region, Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Novel Quantum States (Kyoto, December 3-5, 2014).
C49. Akira Shimizu and Tatsuro Yuge, Universal Properties of Optical Response Functions, DYCE International Workshop (Kussharo, Japan, August 6-11, 2012).
C48. Tatsuro Yuge and Akira Shimizu, Optical Conductivity Sum Rules Extended to Nonequilibrium, EXCON2012 (Groningen, Netherland, July 2-6, 2012).
C47. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Quantum Measurement Theory and Micro-Macro Consistency in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, The Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information, Measurement, and Foundations (Nagoya, February 18-23, 2010).
C46. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and Tatsuro Yuge, Response Functions of Nonequilibrium Steady States, Quantum Technologies: Information and Communication (Tokyo, December 9-11, 2009).
C45. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and Tatsuro Yuge, Universal excess fluctuation induced by Boltzmann's chaos in nonequilibrium steady states, Japan-Slovenia on Nonlinear Science (Tokyo, November 12-14, 2008).
C44. Tatsuro Yuge and Akira Shimizu, Microscopic study of extensions of the
Langevin equation to nonlinear transport, Statphys 23 (Genova,
Italy, July 9-13, 2007).
C43. Tomoyuki Morimae and Akira Shimizu, Visualization of superposition of macroscopically distinct states by coarse-grained quasi joint probability density, Quantum Theory: Reconsiderations and Foundations 4 (Vaxjo, Sweden, June 11-16, 2007).
C42. Tatsuro Yuge, Akira Shimizu and Nobuyasu Ito, A Standard Model of Electric Conduction for Molecular Dynamics Simulation, 20th CSP Annual Workshop - Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics - (The University of Gerogia, February 19-23, 2007).
C41. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Quantum Zeno effect by general measurements, 36th Winter Colloquium on The Physics of Quantum Electronics (Snowbird, Utah, USA, January 2-6, 2006).
C40. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Macroscopically entangled states, International Conference on Quantum Information -- mathematical, physical engineering and industrial aspects (Tokyo, 1-3, November, 2003).
C39. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, A local quantum theoretical view of anomalous quantum states in many-body systems --- definition, stability, and applications, Nonlocality of Quantum Mechanisc and Statistical Inference (Kyoto, 8-9, September, 2003).
C38. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Fragility of anomalously-fluctuating quantum states of finite macroscopic systems, Japan-Italy Joint Waseda Workshop on Fundamental Problems in Quantum Mechanics (Waseda, Japan, 27-29 September, 2001)
C37. Akira Shimizu, Takayuki Miyadera, and Akihisa Ukena, Decoherence of anomalously-fluctuating states of finite macroscopic systems, Quantum Coherence and Decoherence -- 7th Int. Symp. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Tokyo 2001 (Saitama, Japan, August 27-30, 2001)
C36. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Robustness of Wavefunctions of Interaction Many-Body Systems in the Environment, APCTP International Workshop on Similarity in Diversity (Seoul, Korea, August 24-26, 2000)
C35. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, Condensed matter physics stimulated by quantum optics, Mesoscopic physics --- between photonic and electronic systems (Wittenberg, Germany, July 17-29, 2000)
C34. (Invited) Akira Shimizu, A Fundamental Limit of Quantum Measurement Imposed by the Elementary Interactions, , 3rd Tohwa University International Meeting on Statistical Physics (Fukuoka, Japan, November 8-12, 1999)
C33. (Invited) Akira Shimizu and H. Kato, Nonequilibrium Mesoscopic Conductors Driven by Reservoirs, Interactions and quantum transport properties of lower dimensional systems (Hamburg, Germany 1999)
C32. Akira Shimizu, Jun-ichi Inoue and Takayuki Miyadera, Nonequilibrium Time Evolution of the Condensed State of a Fixed Number of Interacting Bosons, The 6th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Saitama, Japan 1998).
C31. A. Shimizu and T. Miyadera, Interacting One-Dimensional Electrons Driven by Two-Dimensional Reservoir Electrons, 12th Int. Conf. Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (Tokyo, Japan 1997).
C30. (Invited) A. Shimizu, Quantum Optics in Dispersive and Absorptive Media, The 6th NEC Symposium on Fundamental Approaches to New Material Phases ``Quantum Optical Phenomena in Spatially Confined Materials" (Karuizawa, Japan 1996)
C29. H. Fujisaki and A. Shimizu, Quantum Noise in Semiconductor Light-Emitting Devices, The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Chiba, Japan, July 1995), Postdeadline paper PD1.7.
C28. T. Okushima and A. Shimizu, Photon emission from a false vacuum of semiconductors, International Workshop on Mesoscopic Physics and Electronics (Tokyo, Japan, March 1995).
C27. (Invited) A. Shimizu, Excitations, Responses, and Backactions in Nonlinear Photo-Excitation Processes of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Workshop on Nonlinear Electromagnetic Interactions in Semiconductors (Trieste, Italy, August 1994).
C26. T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, Y. Kuramoto, H. Sakaki, Correlated Electron Transport through a Real-Life Quantum Dot, 22nd Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors (1994).
C25. T. Ogawa and A. Shimizu, Dimensional Crossover of Excitons, 22nd Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors (1994).
C24. (Invited) A. Shimizu, Quantum Measurement and Fluctuations in Nanostructures, JRDC International Symposium on Nanostructures & Quantum Effects (Tsukuba, Japan, 1993).
C23. S. Koshiba, H. Noge, Y. Nakamura, H. Akiyama, T. Inoshita, T. Someya, K. Wada, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, MBE Growth of GaAs Nanometer-Scale Ridge Quantum Structures and Their Structural and Optical Characterizations, 6th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (Garmish-Partenkirshen, Germany, 1993).
C22. (Invited) H. Noge, J. Motohisa, Y. Nakamura, S. Koshiba, T. Inoshita, H. Akiyama, T. Tsuchiya, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, Fabrication and Physics of Quantum Nanostructures : Formation of Quantum Wires by MBE and Their Transport and Optical Properties, International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology (St. Petersburg, Russia, 1993).
C21. H. Akiyama, T. Someya, H. Sakaki, S. Koshiba, H. Noge, T. Inoshita, Y. Nakamura, and A. Shimizu, Thermalization Effect in Radiative Decay of 1D excitons in Ridge Quantum Wires, (Post-deadline paper) Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference '93 (Baltimore, Maryland, 1993).
C20. (Invited) A. Shimizu, Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement of Photon Number using a Mesoscopic Electron Interferometer, 3rd Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics (Palm Springs, California, 1993).
C19. (Invited) H. Noge, A. Shimizu, J. Motohisa, H. Noguchi, J.P. Leburton, and H. Sakaki, Transport Devices Based on Quantum Wires and Coupled Quantum Boxes: Their Advantages and Limitations, 1992 Advanced Heterostructure Transistors Conference (Kona, Hawaii, USA, 1992).
C18. S. Koshiba, H. Noge, Y. Nakamura, H. Akiyama, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, MBE Growth of Ridge Quantum Wire Structures on Top of (001)-(111)B Facet and Their Optical Properties, 19th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, (Karuizawa, Japan, 1992).
C17. J. Motohisa, Y. Kadoya, S. Miya, H. Sunakawa, A. Usui, Y. Nakamura, S. Koshiba, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, Current States of Processing Technology for Edge Quantum Wire Structures, 1st International Workshop on Quantum Functional Devices (Nasu Heights, Japan, 1992).
C16. (Invited) A. Shimizu, H. Noge, and H. Sakaki, Some Topics on Quantum Microstructure Devices: Their Possibilities and Limitations, International Workshop on Atoms and Clusters (Atami, Japan, 1992).
C15. A. Shimizu and K. Fujita, First-Kind Measurements, Non-Demolition Measurements, and Conservation Laws, Quantum Control and Measurement -- Satellite Workshop of ISQM '92 (Hatayama, Japan, 1992).
C14. A. Shimizu, M. Ueda and H. Sakaki, Effects of Dephasing and Dissipation on Nonequilibrium Quantum Noise, 4th Int. Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Tokyo, 1992).
C13. A. Shimizu, M. Ueda and H. Sakaki, Quantum Noises in Mesoscopic Conductors: Origins and Suppression, Int. Workshop on Quantum-Effect Physics, Electronics, and Applications (Luxsor, Egypt, 1992). [ed. by K. Ismail, T. Ikoma and H.I. Smith, Institute of Physics Publishing, London, pp. 29-32,1992]
C12. (Invited) A. Shimizu, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and H. Sakaki, Down-Conversion of Coherent Light from an Interband Frequency into an Intersubband Frequency in Asymmetric Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, 5th Toyota Conf. on Nonlinear Optical Materials (Aichi-ken, Japan, 1991), [Edited by S. Miyata, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992].
C11. A. Shimizu, T. Ogawa, and H. Sakaki, Two-Photon Absorption Spectra of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, 9th Int. Conf. Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (Nara, 1991).
C10. M. Tsuchiya, H. Sugawara, T. Inoshita, A. Shimizu, and H. Sakaki, Electron Concentration and Mobility in Selectively Doped Quantum Wires, 5th Int. Conf. Modulated Semiconductor Structures (Nara, 1991).
C9. (Invited) A. Shimizu and H. Sakaki, The Number-Phase Uncertainty Principle and Fundamental Limits of Quantum Interference Devices, Int. Symp. Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems (Santa Fe, 1991),
C8. S. Ikeda and A. Shimizu, Wavelength Switching Governed by Carrier Dynamics between Two Wells in an Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Laser, 11th Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics (Baltimore, 1991).
C7. K. Nakamura, A. Shimizu, K. Fujii, M. Koshiba, and K. Hayata, Numerical Analysis of the Absorption and the Refractive Index in Arbitrary Quantum-Well Structures, Proc. Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research (Salt Lake City, 1990).
C6. A. Shimizu, Novel Quantum Nondemolition Photodetector, Proc. 17th Int. Quantum Electron. Conf. (Anaheim, 1990), Technical Digest Series 1990, Vol.8 (Optical Society of America), p.96.
C5. K. Fujii, A. Shimizu, J. Bergquist, and T. Sawada, Observation of two-photon-absorption quantum confined Stark effect in quantum-well structures, Post-deadline paper of 17th Quantum Electron. Conf. (Anaheim, 1990), Paper No. QPDP-15.
C4. A. Shimizu and K. Fujii, A Possible Configuration of Ultrafast Photonic Switching, Extended Abstracts of the 21st Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (Tokyo, 1989), p.313.
C3. S. Ikeda, A. Shimizu, and T. Hara, Wavelength Switching of Asymmetric Dual Quantum Well Lasers, Extended Abstracts of the 21st Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (Tokyo, 1989), p.317.
C2. A. Shimizu and K. Nakamura, Optical Nonlinearities of Quantum-Well Structures due to Giant Dipole Moment and Virtual Charge of Excitons, Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors (Warsaw, 1988) p.441.
C1. A. Shimizu and S. Ikeda, Optical Properties of Laser Diodes as Functions of Their Device Structures, Proc. Microoptics Conf. '87 (Tokyo, 1987) p.110.